Gifted and Talented
Prospect Park School offers a Gifted and Talented program to eligible students.
A gifted student is defined as: "those students who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability in one or more content areas when compared to their chronological peers in the local district and who require modification of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities.
The Prospect Park School District believes that all students can learn. The district also knows that all students are individuals and that there is no single learning prescription that fits all students. The Gifted and Talented Program is designed to provide identified students a supportive environment which provides learning opportunities specifically to meet the diverse needs of the Gifted and Talented students. Such opportunities include learning experiences that support collaboration, critical thinking, adaptability, problem solving, decision making as well as supports our students socially and emotionally. This hands-on program supports the whole child and taps into the strengths, interests, aspirations, abilities and talents of each individual learner and is interdisciplinary focusing in all areas of the curriculum.
Gifted and Talented students also must be supported in the classroom to meet the unique needs of each child. In addition to the Gifted and Talented program, Gifted and Talented students are supported through differentiation in all classes in order to support their needs as they learn and grow in the individual subject areas.
“Gifted and talented students” means students who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability in one or more content areas when compared to their chronological peers in the local school district and who require modifications of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities.
“Instructional adaptation” means an adjustment or modification to instruction enabling students with disabilities, ELLs, or students in alternative education programs or who are gifted and talented to participate in, benefit from, and/or demonstrate knowledge and application of the NJSLS. 8 “Interdisciplinary connections” means integrating NJSLS and skills from one or more content areas into instruction and assessment of another content area.
Continuum of Services:
Continuum of services refers to the various programs students are provided because of their needs. Students with disabilities have the equal opportunity of being identified as Gifted and Talented. Parents and teachers of students with disabilities may refer students for testing regardless of their disability. Additionally, students identified as English Language Learners, students in the Title 1 program and students who have 504 accommodations are equally eligible to participate in Gifted and Talented program.
The Prospect Park School District believes that all students can learn. The district also knows that all students are individuals and that there is no single learning prescription that fits all students. The Gifted and Talented Program is designed to provide identified students a supportive environment which provides learning opportunities specifically to meet the diverse needs of the Gifted and Talented students. Such opportunities include learning experiences that support collaboration, critical thinking, adaptability, problem solving, decision making as well as supports our students socially and emotionally. This hands-on program supports the whole child and taps into the strengths, interests, aspirations, abilities and talents of each individual learner and is interdisciplinary focusing in all areas of the curriculum.
Gifted and Talented students also must be supported in the classroom to meet the unique needs of each child. In addition to the Gifted and Talented program, Gifted and Talented students are supported through differentiation in all classes in order to support their needs as they learn and grow in the individual subject areas.
The goal of the Gifted and Talented program is to meet the needs of gifted students and prepare our students for the 21st Century and provide the students with a variety of experiences to become collaborators, critical thinkers, problem solvers, adaptable, continuous learners, decision makers and emotionally intelligent.
To identify students using multiple measures of assessment.
To ensure students with learning disabilities, culturally and linguistically diverse or learning the English language are identified and not underrepresented due to misinformation or program constraints.
To develop students who are active and empowered in the learning process.
To encourage parents to become partners in the education of their Gifted child.
To provide learning experiences to meet the unique needs of gifted students.
To provide support and education to faculty and staff on the unique needs of gifted students and how to support their social, emotional and learning needs.
Identification and Selection
Prospect Park School District is committed to supporting all students and identifying Gifted and Talented Students throughout our school and ensuring that all subgroups have equal access to our Gifted and Talented program. It is important to note Gifted and Talented students are not a monolith.
Students identified as ELL are underrepresented in the Gifted and Talented classes across the state and country. It is important to note that a student can be culturally and linguistically diverse or learning the English language and still gifted. For this reason, the Renzulli assessments will be weighted more heavily if a student is identified as an ELL.
Parents should be notified about opportunities to participate in gifted and talented programs in their native language. Parents may believe gifted programs are a “label” and not understand the full benefit of the programs. Gaining support from parents of ELL students and ensuring parents are well-informed.
Students who have a learning disability are also underrepresented in Gifted and Talented classes across the state and country. Gifted students with co-existing disabilities are identified as Twice-Exceptional. Students with disabilities have equal right to take part in the Gifted and Talented program. It is important to note that during assessment, students should be provided with the IEP modifications as appropriate for the G&T screening.
An individual who believes that a school district has not complied with the provisions of this act may file a complaint with the board of education. The right to file a complaint shall be set forth in the board’s policy on gifted and talented education. The policy shall be linked to the homepage of the board’s Internet website. The board shall issue a decision, in writing, to affirm, reject, or modify the district’s action in the matter.
The individual may then file a petition of appeal of the board’s written decision to the Commissioner of Education through the Office of Controversies and Disputes in accordance with N.J.S.18A:6-9 and the procedures set forth in State Board of Education regulations.