Welcome to the Prospect Park Schools Preschool Program!
We are excited to partner with you to provide a meaningful and successful learning experience for your child. At Prospect Park, our preschool classrooms work together to foster a positive, developmentally appropriate, and socially responsive learning community.
Our dedicated teachers and staff collaborate to create and maintain a high-quality, cohesive program. Guided by best practices and the New Jersey Department of Education Implementation Guidelines, we ensure consistency and excellence across all classrooms. We implement The Creative Curriculum, utilize the GOLD Assessment Tool, conduct screenings with the Early Screening Inventory, and use state-mandated classroom observation tools to monitor and enhance the learning experience.
Additionally, every classroom benefits from the support of our preschool team, which includes a Preschool Instructional Coach and a Family Resource Coordinator. Together, we are committed to building strong foundations for all Prospect Park preschool students.
We look forward to an incredible year of growth and learning!
The daily schedule
All classrooms follow a basic daily schedule and include the following experiences
Arrival/ Routines (Doors Open at 8:15 am-8:25 am) Enter through Pre-K doors on North 10th Street side of the building near the cafeteria.
Large Group - Opening the day
Choice Time & Small Group Instruction
Read Aloud
Gross Motor/ Outdoor Play
Lunch & Quiet/ Rest Time
Read Aloud
Choice Time & Small Group Instruction
Large Group Round Up - Closing the day
Dismissal (2:30 pm) Exit through Pre-K doors on North 10th Street side of the building near the cafeteria.
Family involvement
The home/ school relationship is very important. When schools & families partner together, children thrive. The preschool team will offer several family meetings throughout the year to provide ideas and materials to support learning at home.
Topics include:
Attendance Policy
Pasta Nights
Math Nights
Nutrition Workshop
Summer Activities
Our Team
Rawya Kyle is the Supervisor of the Early Childhood Department, overseeing the development, implementation, and evaluation of programs designed to support young learners. Her role includes providing leadership for curriculum development, professional development for teachers, and ensuring alignment with state and district standards to promote high-quality early childhood education. To contact Ms. Kyle, please call (973) 790-7909 ext. 1021
Ronni Mendez is the Preschool Instructional Coach and supports all pre k classrooms through weekly visits, planning sessions, modeling, coaching and providing professional development. She is key to ensuring the preschool program remains unified throughout all settings.
Moumita Dey is the Family Resource Coordinator and facilitates a relationship between families, classrooms and community resources. Providing opportunities for family education including family academies and individual meetings. She also provides information to families about community resources to ensure that their social, emotional and health needs are being met. To contact Ms. Dey, please call (973) 790-7909 ext. 1033.
Our preschool provider
The Child Development Center, 1800 Valley Road, Wayne, New Jersey
Ongoing registration for Pre-K students. Registration is completed online. Immediate Spots are available in our Provider School. For any questions, please contact Ms. Dey at (973) 790-7909 ext. 1033
Frequently Asked Preschool Questions
Do I have to be a Prospect Park resident to enroll my child in the preschool program?
Yes, you must be a Prospect Park resident to attend the Prospect Park Preschool program.
What is the tuition cost for the preschool program?
The Prospect Park Preschool program is free for all Prospect Park residents.
How old does my child have to be to participate in the program?
For the 2025 - 2026 school year, your child must be 3 years old on or before October 1, 2025. If your child turns 5 years old on or before October 1, 2025 you must register your child for Kindergarten.
Pre-K 3 Program
Children must be 3 years old by October 1, 2025.
Birth Date range: October 2, 2021 – October 1, 2022.
Pre-K 4 Program
Children must be 4 years old by October 1, 2025.
Birth Date range: October 2, 2020 – October 1, 2021.
Kindergarten (KG)
Children must be 5 years old by October 1, 2025.
Birth Date range: October 2, 2019 – October 1, 2020.
Does my child have to be toilet trained to enroll in preschool?
No, your child does not need to be toilet trained to participate in our preschool program. Our staff will work with you to continue the training while he/she is in school.
How long is the preschool program?
The program is 5 days a week, 6 hours a day. Preschool follows the school calendar for all school breaks and early dismissals. Opening and dismissal times may vary by location.
Does my child have to attend 5 days a week?
Yes, this is a full day, five days a week program. All students are expected to attend everyday.
Where Will Preschool Classes Be Held During the 2025-2026 School Year?
Preschool classes for the 2025-2026 school year will be offered on a first-come, first-served basis at School #1. Spots are limited and will only be reserved once all required documents are completed and uploaded to the RealTime portal. Additionally, we offer preschool classes at the Child Development Center in Wayne, New Jersey, which is affiliated with our public school system.
Will parent preference be taken into consideration for placement of my child?
We consider parent preference as one of the many factors that go into the placement of your child. Please understand that we may not be able to accommodate each request; there is limited space in both locations and we must follow parameters set forth by the Department of Early Childhood Education.
What curriculum is used with the preschoolers?
We implement the New Jersey Department of Education approved Creative Curriculum in our preschool classrooms.
Do the pre schoolers have nap time during their day?
Yes, there is nap time every day after lunch.
Is there bussing available between the schools for my preschooler?
Prospect Park is not a bussing district and does not provide transportation for general education students.
What are the hours of preschool?
Regular School Schedule
8:25 AM Opening
2:30 PM Dismissal
Early Dismissal Schedule
8:25 AM Opening
12:20 PM Dismissal
Delayed Opening Schedule
10:00 AM Opening
2:30 PM Dismissal
Who can I contact for more information?
Please contact Ms. Rawya Kyle, our Supervisor of Early Childhood Education at 973-790-7909 ext 1012 or by email or our Community Parent Involvement Specialist Ms. Moumita Dey at 973-790-7909 ext 1033 or by email